In the era of 4th industrial revolution and digital economy, the Digital infrastructure is in the middle of business strategy and CIOs are challenged continuously to scale up the IT systems to meet the exponential demands in terms of volume, computational power and information security challenges. OrionStellar offers a range of digital infrastructure services and managed value-added services to unburden these challenges such that businesses could focus on their core business and innovation in their forward march to become a digital enterprise.
Digital infra is a part of the core strategy to accelerate the digitalization. Let OrionStellar be the partner in the journey to accelerate your roadmaps.
In their quest to be the next unicorn the time to market, startups focuses to be quick to market, be cost effective and be a lean and mean organization without large IT teams. OrionStellar solutions are tailormade for them with an array of value added services bundled together as a one stop shop.
- IT consumes 3% of the power off the grid globally and the power demand keep increasing hence the need for power efficient datacenters has become a necessity in terms of environmental protection.
- OrionStellar data center has the most optimum Power Usage Efficiency (PUE) in the country.
- Lighting control system that could give 50% of energy saving
- LEED silver certified green building housing the datacenter


- IT consumes 3% of the power off the grid globally and the power demand keep increasing hence the need for power efficient datacenters has become a necessity in terms of environmental protection.
- OrionStellar data center has the most optimum Power Usage Efficiency (PUE) in the country.
- Lighting control system that could give 50% of energy saving
- LEED silver certified green building housing the datacenter